My Blogging Problems // I Don’t Know What To Read… Send Help

15 March 2019

My Blogging Problems
Hi guys… long time no speak. You might have noticed I have been weirdly absent on here lately and posting even more sporadically than usually. I’m here to explain why a little, but mostly to ask for some help.

Where do you turn for recommendations when you’re stuck for reading ideas?
I have been in that awful funk of a reading mood where you know you want to read something but for the life of you you can’t figure what book your brain is hoping you’ll read next (which has impacted my blogging some).

I have always been a mood reader and the unpredictability of my reading mood can be frustrating as hell but the past few weeks it has been out to get me. It’s a serious personal attack because I have no clue what I want to read. not even an inkling.

As a mood reader I find picking my next book to be the worst kind of struggle. Sometimes I am eager to read the same kind of book over and over until my brain rebels, and sometimes each read must be the polar opposite otherwise a funk will set in. I can find a book which is perfectly fitting for my mood one day but is exactly what I don’t want to read the next. It’s a constant struggle to make sure I stay invested in whatever I read and lately it’s been more of struggle than I’m used to. I am getting bored for no reason and really finding it hard and just curl up with a good book. If I don’t read them fast (and I don’t always have the time for that) then I won’t finish it at all and I’m hating how many books I feel like DNF-ing recently.

Some might say don’t force yourself to read and you’ll come across the perfect book when you’re ready. I laugh in the face of such logic, I want to read now god damnit! I will force myself to read everything until the prefect book appears.

I have tried to read old books gathering digital or actual dust on my shelves. I’ve tried turning to bloggers whose opinions I trust to see what they’re enjoying lately. I’ve tried looking at popular books lists and latest releases. But to no avail. I don’t know what I want to read and I fear I will never find it and I’ll be stuck putting down books left and right for all eternity. (No, you’re being dramatic).
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So tell me what you do when you don’t know what to read next? Is there a tried and true method which works for you or are you utterly confused by the mere concept of mood reading and have your future reads written down as a nice orderly list?
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