Looking back at 2023

13 January 2024

I suppose it makes sense that I should return to blogging and look back on the past year. I may not have blogged but I have actually been reading reasonably well. Sure, I went through slumps at various points through the year but with the pressure off of me to read because I was no longer blogging and it actually helped me rediscover my love of reading. I did worry at one point last year that I would have to stop thinking of myself as a bookworm as I was only readying 4 or 5 books in a month and I was really forcing myself to get there. Thankfully, the passion returned and I am reading a lot more. I figured it was best to look back at last year and tell you about the highs and lows. Storygraph makes this incredibly easy as it gives you a yearly wrap up and gives you loads of stats. I thought I was going to have to go through my book tracker spreadsheet to get all this info so this should be fun.


 I read 115 books.

Look at the pretty graph representation of the books I finished, this was fun to see when my reading slumps hit.

I DNFed 6 books. I admit, this figure was probably far higher but I didn't mark every book I started and read about a chapter of before abanding as DNF which I will change for 2024.

My most read author was Sarina Bowen as I read the whole of the True North series along with a few spin off books and developed a full obsession with Vermont. Also Bill Willingham as I began reading the Fables series of comics again but I don't know if I really count that as most read author.

My average star rating was 4.04 which isn't surprising considering I will probably DNF any book that I would rate under 3 stars but is interesting to see.


I read 26 5 star books. There were a few rereads in there but still a bit of a surprise to see.

I leant towards light-hearted reads with a slight dip at the end of the year when I raced through some books by Karen Rose, not sure what else caused the dip. 


I read mostly romance, this isn't really a surprise but I did dip into a few other genres as I forced myself to read books I owned and tried to cut down on my book spending.


Looking at my books read I forgot I even read some of these last year! They obviously made an impact on me. I wanted to highlight my favourites, this won't be all of my 5 star reads and I'm choosing to exclude rereads from my list because I've probably spoken about them before but below are the books which I enjoyed and am glad I read in 2023.

I know this seems like a lot of books to say they were my favourites but they were all really memorable and I really enjoyed them. They weren't all 5 stars but I would happily read them again.
What were your favourite reads of 2023?
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