Ten Books You Recently Added To Your To-Be-Read List

30 March 2015

The Broke and the Bookish always come up with interesting prompts for TTT and this weeks is just as genius. I am always adding new books to my TBR and to buy lists because I love reading, and there are so many new books coming out every week that I need to have an enormous to read list just to keep up with the new releases.

I was going to literally just transpose the most recent additions from my Goodreads BTR list, but then I found the same books popping up from previous TTT posts, so then I decided to do my most recent books which I’ve purchased to read or borrowed from the library, since I’ve failed to do a Sunday Summary in the past couple of weeks to keep you updated. Please forgive the romance heavy list, but that is what I’ve been fancying reading recently. Just click on the covers to go to their goodreads page and learn more.
I hope you like my list, and always link me to yours, my TBR list could always new books, even if my bank balance won’t thank you for it.
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