Hi guys. It’s another week gone and I don’t know what I did this week but it flew on by. That’s not to say it was necessarily an amazing week, but it certainly passed quickly.
Work was more of the same, we won’t even talk about it.
The clocks changed here last Sunday, I lost an hour and I spent all week feeling utterly exhausted. I have not been motivated to do anything. I went to work then curled up and wanted to sleep. It’s boring to hear about and it’s boring to tell you. I did read a couple of good books, at least. But I do want to sleep my whole weekend away.
I started watching New Amsterdam on Saturday, as well. I had intended to rewatch The Expanse since I saw V.E.Schwab tweet about Steven Strait and I remembered my love for him and that show. It didn’t quite happen, though, instead I got distracted by New Amsterdam and my Saturday disappeared. Hell, before that I had intended to give Queer Eye a shot since I’ve never seen it and everyone seems to rave about it. So my TV plans have not gone to plan, but when do they ever? It’s still good TV and maybe I’ll spend my Sunday watching more TV… after I get back from having breakfast with a friend.
What I’ve Been Reading
I’m still reading Invisible Women and feeling rage at the world. Seriously, everyone needs to read this. Buy it, borrow it, steal it! I don’t care. I also read The Near Witch and it was a really enjoyable read, but it was definitely not as strong as some of Schwab’s later releases. I am so glad I have a copy and got the chance to read it (finally). I borrowed Truth and Bear from Kindle Unlimited and I enjoyed it, but damn did I get annoyed at SANA (the legit organisation who controls shifters and who are legit dicks) but I am committed, I will read the next book and hope my feelings thaw towards them. Meet Cute ended up being slightly disappointing, a fun read but so forgettable. Illuminae and Serious Moonlight, though. They were epic. Illuminae was actually my second ever audiobook and let me tell you, I was so glad I listened to it. I had been wanting to reread that for a while and this was the best way to do it. I strongly recommend it. And Serious Moonlight made me love Jenn Bennett all the more, how does she keep writing such amazing books?
New To Me
I bought a few books. I feel like I’ve been doing well in not buying unless I read them, also it was the start of the month and there are always tempting new deals at the start of a new month.
And that is my week, boring and unexciting. How has your week been? And do you have any book recs for me?
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