Another week has gone and I am tired! Also, annoyed because I was ready to say this week had gone quite well and I woke up with conjunctivitis this morning so I’m in a bad mood now. I can’t remember having it before so it is just unlucky on my part. I now have a strong urge to buy things to make myself feel better. I might just play video games instead.
It has been a tiring week getting up that bit earlier to get into work. That being said, I have actually enjoyed my commute into work. I’m not just catching the bus anymore, I get to experience the train and it’s so nice. It turns up when it says it will and if there are delays you know about it! Add in the fact that I can read on them then I’m pretty happy. I may have to stop being cheeky and getting a lift everywhere, I’ll wait and see what I think when the kids are back at school and there’s traffic.
I don’t want this post to be all about work (really guys, you hear about all the dramas) but I will say a couple more things. First off, don’t you hate it when you’re right about someone who joins your team? Someone new started about a month ago and we said as soon as they moved onto the team they wouldn’t last and to no ones surprise she left on Tuesday. She never wanted the job and should never have been offered it. She was more a hindrance than a help and we are basically left in the lurch as someone else is leaving next week (we knew this was happening but she got a job abroad so really, I would too) so yeah… we are a touch screwed and your manager really doesn’t appreciate having an ‘I told you so’ shoved in their face so I’ve had to restrain myself. Just, it’s so annoying when you can see how things are going to end up and can do nothing stop it.
There we go, rant done.
This week has been more of a good week than anything, though. That’s helped along by the fact Monday was a bank holiday so I just stayed home reading. And then work wise it was meh, but when I wasn’t working it was great. I saw a friend who was back home for a flying visit and I did my usual trip to the pub with my bestie to catch up on life, the world… things. It’s always good catching up with her. And then shopping this weekend which was fun but exhausting.
What I’ve Been Reading
I’ve been stuck in this rut since rereading the Rephaim series. I adored it but I wanted more. I am so glad Paula Weston has a new book out this year because I am all over that. I did read The Upside of Unrequited which was amazing (review to follow) it is just so cute and cute. Heaps of cute and fluff. But reading that meant I was in another reading rut. There’s something so difficult about finding a book after reading good ones… so I settled on rereading in the end. Going Too Far is one of those books which just fills a craving. It’s strange considering I disliked the book first time I read but really enjoyed second time around and loved again this third time. It’s strange how my brain works.
New To Me
I’ve been very restrained this week. I have seen books I’ve wanted but I’m trying to be smart. I even resisted the urge to go into my local bookshop when I was shopping to prevent book buying. I do have a few things in my basket online which may get bought later on but I am trying to wait until payday here. Progress guys!
And there is my week, it’s been busy but I’ve been happy. How has your week been? Any good books? And how do you deal with deciding what to read next when you’ve read so many good books in a row?
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