My Go To Genre is…

17 April 2014

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So, I’ve been gone for a little while. I went on a long weekend holiday to Norfolk with a some friends I went to uni with. Thus, I have not posted in a while (please see picture above to demonstrate that I have been outside, I’m the one in the dress). In my defence, I didn’t get home until around 7pm Monday evening, after travelling for about four hours on the train, and a couple more in a car to the station. Thus, I have not had much time to myself, and yesterday I spent more time being social (seriously, it has been exhausting, I am not a social person by nature) so my blogging has fallen by the wayside.

I was going to post a review of the book I read on the train, but, as I’ve said before, I am not a great fan of reviews. I struggle writing them because I feel I have nothing more to add. I decided instead to write a post on my go to genre of book. I may make this a small series, because I do have a few go to genres for different things, different moods, etc.

Anyway, my go to genre for travelling is the ‘chick-lit’ genre. This has been a favourite of mine for many years, I love a good little rom-com-esque novel. I think this is because I love a good rom-com. A lovely, light little romance is heart-warming and easy to ride. On my journey home I finished Just a Girl, Standing in Front of a Boy by Lucy-Anne Holmes which was a lovely book. I bought it cheap from Tesco a while ago and it had been lurking by my bed for a while. I decided to take it with me on my long weekend because I knew I had a long journey and a light easy book is best when you need to keep your ear open for your station but need to be distracted for the several hours you will be sat on trains.

I know it seems strange that my go to genre is something so girly, I tend to love fantasy type books, but you never want to read anything when travelling that is too absorbing, because you are at risk of missing your stop or station, and you don’t want anything that takes too much focus and brain power, because travelling is tiring. That is why I love chick-lit, it is the perfect level of squee-worthy goodness and interesting stories. Now, this isn’t to say that there aren’t bad chick-lit books, because there are. I know you all know they can be predictable and formulaic, but a good book takes these things and some how manages to make them original again. If the characters are well written then that makes the story more interesting and refreshing and you don’t notice the tropes, and if it’s bad, well, it is glaringly obvious when it’s bad.

Anyway, Just a Girl was the perfect travelling read for many reasons, it had a wonderful protagonist in Fanny, she was funny and original and she was a real person, none of this 2d Mary-Sue perfection, but a girl with real issues who has overcome things to become the person she is. You can see her flaws throughout the book, but you like her for them, you root for her. There was also a wonderful romance, and an excellent friendship. Like, an amazing ‘I wish I had friends like that’ awesomeness. There was laughter, a few tears (thankfully once I got home, where the mega emotional stuff cracked off, nothing worse than crying in public) and I loved every second of it, I really did.

So, anyone else got a go to genre? What is it and why? So I’ll be back in a couple of days, hopefully with something interesting to post.
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