Sunday Summary: 25.10.2015

25 October 2015

Sunday Summary
Yay, I’ve gained an extra hour this weekend! Don’t you just love when the clocks go back and you can spend an extra hour sleeping? Or, when they go back and you find yourself awake an hour earlier than usual and you can lots of extra things done with your day? Basically, the clocks changing is pretty awesome in some ways, and I know I’ll lose it again in March, but that’s ages away. In case you don’t know, it’s the end of British Summertime and Brits everywhere are rejoicing about the extra hour they will have on Sunday.

Now I have actually been out of the house shopping and being a busy little bee the past few hours of today, which is why I didn’t post this morning. I’ve gone and gotten food for next week and I treated myself to the Jurassic Park 4 disc collection, which would have been great, but my local Supermarket forgot to remove the red security tag from my discs. I have just spent the past hour raging about the incompetence of Tesco (last week they forgot to take the security tags off some pyjamas I bought), refusing to return to ask to have the security tags removed and finally begging my stepdad to help me figure out how on earth you are meant to remove these ridiculous things. It’s frustrating to say the least, but oh well.

This week has been far better than the past couple of weeks. Has my blog been lavished with attention? Not so much. I’ve started a couple of posts but I’m certainly not caught up. That said, I haven’t felt like death all week and I’ve managed to stay awake beyond 10 o’clock at night (an amazing feat for me recently) so I’ve had chance to read a few blog posts and I am catching up on things. I’ve also been able to read more books (yay for me) so I’m just building a long list of books to review.

What I’ve Been Reading


New To Me

My book buying ban was not as successful this week, but they were all books I intended to read immediately, well… apart from Everything Everything, that is the book which came in my Ravenpost subscription box. I’ve seen good reviews so I will be reading this soon, but it looks like a pretty different read for me.

Tell me about your week, has anything interesting happen or is your life as much of a thrill ride as mine has been? And am I the only one frustrated by stores forgetting to remove security tags from their shiny new things?
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