Gone To The Movies is a joint feature Kaja and I are doing where we watch romance films and then write a review. It’ll be one film a month to happen in the middle of the month (I think we agreed the third Monday of each month… but don’t take my word for it) and is just a fun feature which gives me an excuse to watch romance films.
This is another rewatch for me, and I was so glad to do it over Valentine’s Day whilst I remember the joys of being single (it’s a permanent state of being and the only times I feel bad about such a status is when I fancy a cuddle when watching a sad film, and when I want someone to drag to group things so I don’t feel like an awkward third… or seventh wheel). What better film to watch whilst single than a film about two opposites who turn into the best of friends, and possibly something more?
The Story
I’m pretty sure everyone has seen When Harry Met Sally, and we all know that scene in the diner, at least.
But, for those of you who have been living under a rock, we will have a small recap of the premise. Harry and Sally drive together from the University of Chicago to New York after their graduation. Harry hits on Sally, who turns him down as he was seeing a friend of hers and expounds his belief that men and women cannot be friends. The two part in New York in the belief they will not see each other again. Then, the couple bumps into each other a few times and somehow end up becoming friends, probably best friends.
It’s a really fun watch and a film classic that any romance fan should enjoy. I frequently rewatch this film when I see it on TV. I love the story and the characters and simply cannot get enough of it. The highlights of this film for me are the clips from the couples and how they met (adorable) and the character of Harry because he is cynical and reminds me of how I think sometimes. Also, Billy Crystal is funny and the line about the rentals and the obituaries being together in the paper was hilarious. Meg Ryan was flawless as Sally, her tearful breakdown over her ex’s upcoming wedding was perfect.
The Romance
I would like to start off by saying this… no one finds Billy Crystal attractive in that way on first glance. He is the actor who you love, but as a friend. He is the perfect person to take on the role of Harry, the man who believes men and women cannot be friends, as he is the person you would immediately choose as the male friend who you would like as he is funny and easy to be around (I assume) and so I loved him as Harry and am glad that an actor who is not stereotypically attractive was cast in that role. It makes this film that bit more believable by having a real, fun, approachable guy in it and it makes it believable that the relationship progressed as it did.
I love the relationship in this film because it isn’t about some grand romance that knows no bounds and breaks down barriers, this is about a couple who are best friends and they end up becoming something more. This is the film which has a romance you could actually hope to achieve.
So… Did I Like It?
I love this film. I love old Meg Ryan films, she was the queen of rom-coms and this one is no different. I adored Harry’s speech at the end when he’s winning Sally back and adored the woman asking for what Sally was having in the diner. I loved the fact that these two people who were complete opposites were friends. I just love this film. It is like that really comfy jumper you love but don’t wear out that often because it isn’t exactly flattering, it is cozy and comforting and basically perfect but you don’t feel the need to tell everyone about it.
I know I was just as enthusiastic about Romancing The Stone, but this film is different. This isn’t a film I’ve only seen once before, this is a film I have seen about once a year since discovering it as a teenager. I love this film, I am completely biased in my reviewing, but I don’t care. This is just a genuinely good film everyone should watch.
Don’t forget to visit Kaja’s blog and check out her review, and pop back next month when we will be watching and reviewing The English Patient. That will be an interesting one as it’s a film I’ve not actually seen before. I’ve heard wonderful things and I am excited to be able to give a review on something I’ve not seen before.
Have you got a film you absolutely adore and are unable to see any flaws in it?
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