And the rain has finally started in the UK! We have had rain and we are rejoicing. And I’m talking prolonged periods of rain where the world gets cooler and you crack out cardigans and blankets. What a glorious way to begin this post! I may be the only person this insanely excited about all of this but I bought the best looking cardigan which is soft and lovely and I simply adore so I want to celebrate finally getting to wear it!
But let’s move on from the weather because that’s boring. What else have I done with my week? I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been really boring. I was meant to have my weekly date with a friend to catch up at the pub but she cancelled on me so I’ve pretty much just been to work. I did start to come down with a cold on Thursday, though, It all began with a sore scratchy throat and after a restless night of having a stuffy nose I woke up Friday sniffling and sulky. I pretty much hoped to stay home and silk this weekend over getting a cold. Unfortunately, I had to go over to see family Saturday morning and ended up being out chatting and being social so I didn’t get to curl up at home with a good book until Saturday afternoon. It’s always the way when you have plans to be lazy.
I have been doing some NYC research since it’s been a slow week though. I’ve been trying to figure out places I want to visit and things I want to do. Currently, my big thing is shopping and buying books. I think my next quest will be to figure out some good places I want to eat. I know we’ll do sightseeing and all that, but I would love to try some new food whilst I’m there, although I am such a fussy eater. Hopefully, I’ll find a few interesting places to eat which is all I ask for.
Oh yeah, and I am also having a load of fun being part of a romance book club which Nick and Renee started and it’s awesome. The discord chat is filled with so many different topics and we’ve not even got to the book club part yet! Seriously, if you are a lover of romance that’s something to check out.
What I’ve Been Reading
All three books I’ve been reading this week are borrowed. So much for me reading through books on my own shelves as I intended. I had Naked in Death from the library about two months ago and was due back yesterday so I had to read and it was enjoyable enough to reserve the next book. Pestilence I borrowed on Kindle Unlimited and it was good and bad and I have mixed feelings but I enjoyed it. And Jane Doe I am buddy reading with Nick and Danya and it’s a hella feminist read and gives me Female of the Species vibes but grown up. I am loving so far.
New To Me
The above are my purchased books (yes, there’s only one) and this one was bought purely because Nick posted about it and I found out it was already published in the UK! I am so psyched to get reading!
I borrowed the above books from Kindle Unlimited (because why not add another way for me to get books into the repertoire?).
And I also borrowed a couple of books from the library (which I have to read fast or renew as they’re due back when I go on holiday).
And there you have it, that is my week. Do you find yourself getting more and more ways to get a hold of books even though you have plenty on your shelves to read? Also, how was your week? Tell me all!
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