Monthly Wrap Up // April 2019

06 May 2019

How has April ended already? I feel like it barely started and we were already halfway through it And now we’re in May. I’d say something trite like ‘time flies when you’re having fun’ but I think we can all agree that so many parts of this year have been less than fun. But let’s not get ourselves down when this post is barely even started.

It’s been a while since I did a wrap up, it feels weird to summarise the past month because I barely remember what happened. I haven’t wrapped anything up since January or something, it has most definitely been a while. I feel a bit bad about it and forgive me if I forget to mention anything, I used to have a good system with how to write them, and now I seem to have forgotten all of that.

I would normally give you a nice summary of my month… but I can’t remember most of it. I feel like it was a month of brunching. I mean, I went for several brunch dates with friends. And I spent a lot of time trying to remember how to blog and watching a bunch of Game of Thrones.

Can’t Stop Listening

This month’s music is a bit of a mix, I was listening to Ben Platt’s album on repeat and I discovered Lizzo when watching Someone Great and have listened to Truth Hurts way too many times in the space of two weeks. And I discovered a couple of old gems when listening to my music on shuffle and I couldn’t believe I forgot how much I loved some songs. The newest Taylor Swift release is included because I did listen several times… but I actually don’t think I like it. It’s just way too cheesy and I think it’s going to get annoying.

April Reads

Favourite Reads

And The Rest

Serious Moonlight

April Posts

April Favourites

I don’t have any none TV-related favourites this month. I have been watching a whole heap of Game of Thrones, far more than I probably should. It sucks you right on in, though. There's way too much sex and a whole heap of bloodshed and violence, but I’m totally invested. The only other favourite thing I have is a new cleanser, but it’s nothing exciting and I doubt you guys are interested in my skincare picks,

What were your highlights of April? Is there a song you’ve had stuck on repeat? And which book have you been forcing down people's throats to get them to read?
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