Sunday Summary // 24.11.2019

24 November 2019

I really need to stop writing my Sunday posts the same day. It takes up so much time and I have so much blog catch up to do from comments to writing actual posts. I feel like I used to have time management skills and I use them in my job but when it comes to blogging all of that goes right out of the window.

It’s been a quiet week this week. There’s been no work drama, but they did finally announce the Christmas party and release the menu (why yes we are having redundancies and a Christmas party, I’d have a problem with it but I need a night out and I’d already booked my hotel room for the party so I’m not complaining). I actually have now broken up from work for a week (does everyone say broken up when it comes to holiday from work? I feel like the more I blog the more I question if a phrase is a universal phrase or just a weird British thing… and don’t even get me started on regional differences when it comes to things, that would be a blog post in itself). I plan to spend my week Christmas shopping and trying to get organised when it comes to the house. Also, I need to get my hair cut because it is a mess, I meant to call them Friday and forgot and forgot again Saturday so now I have to wait until they open Wednesday… or treat myself and go to the fancy salon down the road from me… but I always feel like I don’t fit in there. But yeah, no exciting plans for next week but hopefully I’ll be finished with my Christmas shopping in time for Black Friday where I can treat myself to something (I’m eyeing up a new iPad because I kind of want one I can use with an Apple Pencil because I want to get back into drawing… but that’s a whole other thing).

This week has been the laziest of lazy weeks. I’ve not seen friends. I’ve barely blogged. I’ve been chilled and not really read loads or anything and just been relaxing. Honestly, I’ve spent most of my time playing Stardew Valley on the Switch. It’s weirdly addictive and very relaxing just maintaining your farm. Doing a little fishing. Doing a little mining. Progress could be faster but I think that’s what keeps you playing, you make that little bit of progress and you want more. I am planning on playing some Sims 4 again, as well. Basically, I’ve been all about gaming this week but chilled relaxing gaming.

What I’ve Been Reading

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000040_00006]Kill The Queen
It’s been another slow, not great, reading week. I finished Get A Life, Chloe Brown and it was amazing! Loved it in every possible way. I then began reading Recurve which has been on my Kindle a while and it was meh. It’s short but by 25% I just was not feeling it. It was very tell tell tell, rather than you seeing stuff happening and so I felt too distant from it. It wasn’t terrible and it was an original concept the writing just didn’t work for me. And then there was Kill the Queen.  I was so psyched to read Kill the Queen and I DNFed before the royal family even all got killed because it was so predictable. I saw it a mile off and I don’t want my fantasy to be predictable. Was I being too judgey? Should I give it a second chance? I don’t know. Thankfully, Trail of Lightning was there to save a day. I had to force myself to start reading as it’s an ARC which is being published here in the UK on Thursday so I was like read it and then you’ll have read all of your November ARCS (I know, go me). I am so glad I did, it was brilliant. I was speeding through just to find out what happened and I will be reviewing next week… I will also be waiting outside of my local bookshop next Thursday to try and get a physical copy of it and get my hands on the next book.

New To Me

Only one new purchase this week and that was my preorder of Queen of Nothing. I am getting ready to read the whole series with the release of that book so wish me luck.
And I finally got approved for the arc of Headliners on Netgalley! I am so excited for this book to come out and I worried I wouldn’t get approved as my Netgalley rating has looked better but I did! A reread of the whole series is in my future.

And that was my week, boring as it may be. What have you been up to? What have you been reading? And please tell me if I’ve been too judgey about my DNFs this week.
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