This time we have a new feature here on the blog and it links up with me clearing off my shelves. I wanted to talk about the books which have bit the dust and been placed on my digital ‘Never going to read’ shelf or the physical books which have been moved to the charity shop pile. I really wanted to create a way to celebrate these books and feature them on the blog because they may be moving off of my reading list but I still wanted to read them at some point and it’s unfair for them to not at least have a quick mention to you guys.
This time around I’m trying to keep the number of books low. I’ve probably cleared off more books than this lately, but I am featuring the more recent removals. I’ve been trying to work from old to new when it comes to clearing off my shelves as the older books are the ones which are now less suited to my current reading tastes. I’ve moved on and some of these books may not be very me anymore.
These two books have been on my shelf for a while. A loooong while. In fact, I bought the first book way back in 2014 and I bought it because dragons! Do I need to say more? It sounded like a really cool idea and I was excited to read… and then didn’t. I had actually forgotten what this series was about and so read the summary of each book in this series and even now it does sound pretty exciting. This is a fun concept and I think if I’d read these books when I first purchased Talon I would have loads of good things to say, but unfortunately, I didn’t. Now, I just feel like this series is a big commitment and one I am not ready to undertake and the summaries sounded fun… but not something I would be ready to invest my time into reading anymore. Julie Kagawa is also an author who I’ve read before and found her writing often doesn’t really work for me.
It’s sad to see these ones go… but if I’ve not read the first book in almost 6 years then it’s really not going to happen, is it?
Never Never Series – Colleen Hoover & Tarryn Fisher
This is another series which I bought a loooong time ago and honestly, I think I only bought it because Colleen Hoover’s name was on it. The vague description for the first part did nothing for me and I saw a couple of bloggers mention it… and I probably shouldn’t have bought them. Colleen Hoover has slowly drifted off of my TBR list since 2015. I don’t hate her books, I actually really enjoyed some of her past ones… but I kind of feel like her high drama reads aren’t for me and they are filled with a whole heap of angst, as well. I just, can’t motivate myself to read as the books I look forward to reading are a bit lighter and that is not something that comes to mind when I think Colleen Hoover. It was time to admit I wasn’t reading this series and place them on the ‘Never gonna read shelf’.
A Thousand Perfect Notes – C.G. Drews
I feel terrible saying I’ve placed this on the charity shelf. I think we all know this book from Cait at Paper Fury. I have loved her blog for a good long while so when she announced she was writing a book I, like many others, wanted to read it/I actually ended up getting it in an Illumicrate box and I was so excited… and I never picked it up. I tried a few times to start reading and I could hear Cait’s voice coming through with what little I read, but it also felt like it wasn’t a book for me. I didn’t connect with it and it’s probably a case of a book coming to me after I’d moved on from that genre/type of book. If I read this a few years ago it might have totally worked for me, but sadly it wasn’t me now. I finally admitted defeat a few weeks ago and some other lucky person can discover this in a charity shop and feel the joy of reading I didn’t get to have.
The Girl of Ink & Stars – Kiran Millwood Hargrave
This book was a case of being shallow and buying for looks. The cover is beautiful, isn’t it? And then the inside is even prettier with maps and the pages have pictures around the edge and the book just feels beautiful in your hands. Honestly, it is just the nicest book to look at… but the writing just isn’t for me. This kind of sits in a middle ground between Young Adult and Middle Grade and if I had taken the time to read up about this book I would have known it completely didn’t work for me and is not to my usual tastes. I held on to this book for so long for the sheer prettiness of it and I knew it was time to place it on the charity pile as I just know someone will discover this book and will hopefully give it the love and appreciation it deserves.
Have you ever gone through your shelves and admitted defeat on reading some books? And have you bought books for the pretty rather than reading what the book itself was about?
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