Monthly Wrap Up: September

30 September 2015

Monthly Wrap Up_zpshjihxrbe.png
I am telling you, I feel like I typed up one of these posts just last week. It’s crazy how quickly my month’s go by at the moment. It’s like time has sped up, or I’m just noticing more, but let’s not get all deep and philosophical and start discussing the relativity of time.

September has been a both bad and good month in terms if blogging and reading, of read lots and have been excited about blogging, but is also the month where I reached some kind of reaching blogging rut. It’s also been a month of stressing with work (an exaggeration, I never stress with work, but it has left me feeling a lot more run down than other months, who knew actual work was tiring?) so I’ve basically felt a bit exhausted. But that is over with now and I am back on my game (I hope). Below are the highlights of my month so enjoy.

September Reads


September Posts

September Links

The Canon: 25 Book Blogging Prompts (always useful to have for those times you’re in a bit of a blogging rut)
Of Dragons and Hearts: Let’s Talk Spoilers
The Daily Prophecy: Popularity
Tea Between Books: Hype and Opinions

And there you have it, the month of September broken down to such small categories. What’s awful is that now we’ve gotten through September there are like 3 months until Christmas. I know because all the shops have started stocking Christmas stuff, which is completely unacceptable until November, that’s when you’re allowed to start thinking about Christmas. I am now going to go crack out all my jumpers and cardigans because it is autumn and that is the only acceptable clothing for the season.

Did you read any good books in September? I’d love to hear about them. And has anyone else started wearing cardigans and jumpers because it’s autumn, even if the temperature outside doesn’t require it?
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