Sunday Summary // 03.07.2016

02 July 2016

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We say goodbye to another weekend and welcome in a new month. Isn’t the beginning of a month always really exciting? I mean, I’m always shocked when we get to a new month as I’m confused as to where last month went, but I also really love starting a new month. I suppose it’s a bit like a new year, there’s so much potential for things to happen and I am feeling that this month.


Who cares about my strange excitement about a new month, though? Not I. Let’s discuss more exciting things. This week has been a mixed bag. Work has dragged awfully because we were doing all the tedious admin which comes with the end of the month and is mind-numbing. It’s been good, though. I’ve had a laugh and had fun at work and I like doing that. It’s been a relaxing week, at least, in preparations for our rush to get everything finished in time this month.


What else has happened? I went to the cinema and saw The Conjuring 2. I am a huge horror film fan but I did find myself waking up that night heart racing and unable to remember my dream. I’m hoping that is due to my staying out late and drinking too much coke before bedtime. It was a decent horror film but it could have toned back on some of the cheese at the end of the film. I did enjoy it and my friend was raving about it as we left the cinema.


The only other news is that my best friends sister has had her baby (we’ve been waiting for it to be born for a while and were concerned it would pick an inopportune moment to do so) and that is always exciting. I am not a baby person. Or a children person. But I am very excited to see this tiny person enter the world and can’t wait to meet him (hopefully when he has a name).


What I’ve Been Reading


I’m still reading Summer Days, Summer Nights. I’ve not actually read it in a few days because I’ve not been craving a short story but I’m still enjoying the anthology. I did read The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender this week and I am in love with the book. The writing was utterly breath-taking and it’s an example of magical realism done right. There is no explanation for the fantasy elements, it just is and I love that. It was a highlight for me. I then moved on to How Not To Fall and I had a lot of feelings about it. I rated it five stars and I adored it for how straight talking it was for a romance. It was euphemism free in the sex scenes and who knew I would like it so much? Finally, we have The Shadow Queen. It was the last of my library books so I kind of felt obligated to make it my next read before I return it to the library. I’m glad I read it and I really enjoyed it but I think seeing some bloggers whose opinions I respect raving about it may have led to me having rather high expectations. I would strongly recommend it, though. It’s a good book.


New To Me


I could be filled with excuses and explanations but why bother? It was payday and I had been listening to way too many Smart Bitches podcasts which led to copious Kindle book buying (for some reason I have less guilt when buying digital books. I will explain in a full discussion post to see if you get this too). I do have to say I am so excited to receive my copy of This Savage Song! I won it from maximum Pop Books in a Twitter contest and it’s signed! I may not have met the author but that doesn’t matter because I have a copy of her book signed! I am so excited you do not know.


I am away next weekend so I’m trying to get blog posts written and sorted as well as making sure I’ve got everything I need (I’m a worrier about things like this so there are lists involved). I’m not fully certain how I will successfully manage to get a Sunday Summary post up next week. I’m thinking I’ll either post it early or late but I don’t know yet. I’ll let you know.


Anyone else excited about the beginning of a new month? Has anyone else found a really good book to read which surprised them with how much they enjoyed it?

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