The Bookfangirling Blog Award

18 July 2015

I am pretty terrible at being tagged in things and receiving award for one reason and one reason only, I am the worst at actually getting around to posting the things! I always intend to but with all the other posts I have (okay, there aren’t that many) I find myself prioritising those I’ve in mind for my vague schedule and ignoring things I’m tagged in or awarded. I’ve decided to take the time and make the effort for this one because it is a new award!

I’ll tell you a bit about it, Hannah over at Bookfangirling (do you get where the name comes from?) decided she wanted her own award as a way of recognising those blogs she loves because sometimes commenting just isn’t enough to show how much you love and enjoy someone’s blog. That's what awards are about, really, recognising others and the work they put in because blogging is something we all do for free so we have to make our own bonuses for one another.

The rules are simple on this one (who doesn’t love simple?) and they are below:
  • Create a post to accept your award
  • Add the blog award button into your post (just save the picture to your computer and upload it) and put it on the side of your blog as a widget
  • Link to me in the post so they know who has given you the award
  • Answer the questions I have set below
  • Nominate between 5-10 book bloggers who you think deserve this award
  • Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees
  • Link them to this post so that they know the rules
The questions Hannah posed to me are below, my nominees and questions will be at the end

What is your favourite thing about blogging?

This one is easy, I love the community and the interaction! I get excited every time I get a comment or a new follower to my little blog. And whenever you catch yourself being mentioned somewhere else you can’t help that small bubble of excitement you get from that. I was terrified of other bloggers when I first started mine (I’m still intimidated from time to time) and had no clue how to interact with the larger community. I figured I’d create my blog and that would be that, people would somehow randomly stumble across me. I’m still convinced that’s how it works. I quickly learnt bloggers are way more welcoming and far friendlier than I originally believed. I will never be as huge as some blogs I follow (thank God) but I like my small corner of the internet and the people I’ve met on my journey here. Other bloggers are the only reason I’m still around otherwise I am certain I would have got bored a few weeks in.

Which book, series, character or fandom do you fangirl over the most?

That is so difficult! Bookishly I adore so many series but I’ve never fully delved into fannish behaviour. Not what I would deem fannish behaviour anyway. I am a mega fangirl when it comes to TV series and things like that, my little tumblr page (no you cannot visit) is filled with masses of fannish things, but I’m not the same when it comes to books. I think the series I first fangirled over is obviously going to be Harry Potter, who didn’t? I think the book I’ve fangirled over most recently is Uprooted. I fully delved into the behaviour of thrusting the book on everyone I spoke to, it was a bit weird. I calmed down, but that book just invoked something in my that led me to fall in love and I do keep thinking back on the book, a lot! I loved it so much, it may end up being may favourite book of the year, but it’s far too early to judge. That is how I judge fangirling on the bookish front, the books I adore, can’t stop thinking about and speak to everyone about ad nauseum until they read the book (or throw it at me with great force).

Why do you think you are such a big fangirl of said thing?

Uprooted was like no other book I’d read in a really long time. It was a fantasy novel, sure, but it was more than that. I view it as a modern fairytale. Sure, it’s a beauty and the best retelling, but reading it that is not the fairy tale that springs to mind, no fairytale does because you are fully engrossed in the story. The book came to me at a time when I had been reading a lot (and I mean a lot) of romance and I was feeling a bit bored of reading the same story. I wanted something more unpredictable and Uprooted delivered that to me with bells on. It was exactly what I needed to read and more, because it offered me a new story. And the other refreshing part is that Uprooted is a standalone read which offers you a really engrossing world without leaving you with one of those pesky cliff-hangers and long waits for the next release. Even now I want to recommend it to you all and gush over it, it stays with you.

Who is the best person in your life to fangirl with?

In real life my best friend is the person I fangirl most with, because that’s what you do with best friends. That amazing TV series I’ve just binge watched at the weekend, or that film we absolutely must watch now, or that amazing book that I adore and want her to read immediately so she can validate all my opinions, that’s what we do when we get together.

I also fangirl with my family, it’s normally a case of me flailing around about something and them ignoring me completely, but it’s still nice to talk about stuff at them. My brother helps me delve into my geeky side because he is as much of a geek as I am, possibly more even, because he will listen and not just tune me out (well not always anyway).

On the internet I’d say Kaja is the one I end up fangirling the most with simply because each month we do our Author Addiction feature that is basically an entire post dedicated to fangirling over a different author each month. It’s so much fun to do, and so interesting to hear someone else’s thoughts on an author that you both love.

Which popular book/series/character do you wish you could fangirl over but you actually don't like?

I so wish I liked The Grisha series by Leigh Bardugo, I get why people do. The premise is amazing, there are some really fantastic characters in the books, but I just don’t like it. I tried reading it twice to see if it was just me being in a bad mood, but I simply don’t like the books. I wish I could pinpoint a single reason why, but I think it was a combination of too many things that combined together to just put me off the series entirely. I understand the appeal and could never turn people off from reading this series, but I do think it is a case of knowing my own op[inions and this is one book series that is not for me. I may one day read the third book, but I want be going out of my way for it that is for sure.

And now on to my nominees, there will be just 5 so congrats?

And for my lovely nominees my questions are below. Please send me the link if you post (no pressure if you don’t want to) and have fun!

  • What is the book/series that you first fangirled over and do you still love it as much now?
  • We’re halfway into the year and I’ve already claimed Uprooted as one of my favourite books, name me one of yours and why?
  • We all know about hyped books, but which book/series do you love which has never received the attention it deserves from the community?
  • I am a terrible reader who has books on my shelves for months before reading, name me the book which has been gathering dust on your shelf for the longest and why?
  • And to finish with how I began, I’ve heard about your first book/series you fangirled over, now I want to know what book/series you’ve fangirled over most recently?
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